The Yellow Bear (stylized as YellowBear) is an antagonist in Five Nights to Remember's Remake. He serves as one of the two newly-introduced bosses during Night 5.
Possessed by the Purple Man, the Yellow Bear activates to the realization that Sam Foster, who is suggested to be his only son. Three years before the games events, the Purple Man takes the lives of many children and, one night, promises that his sons wish of independence would come true. This eventually resulted in his death.
Yellow Bear emerges as one of the two bosses in Night 5 alongside The Corpse. He combines the mechanics of all the Vision Animatronics to create one individual force with four individual mechanics inspired by them. Additionally, the Yellow Bear is faster and more sensitive to mistakes or time crunches.
Yellow Bear's fate is left unknown after Sam Foster's shift.
- 1 Appearance
- 2 History
- 3 Gameplay
- 3.1 Night sequences
- 3.1.1 Vision Freddy
- 3.1.2 Vision Bonnie
- 3.1.3 Vision Chica
- 3.1.4 Vision Foxy
- 3.2 Minigame sequences
- 3.2.1 SAVE HIM (Part 2)
- 3.1 Night sequences
- 4 Trivia
- 5 Navigation
- 6 References
The Yellow Bear is lifeless anthropomorphic bear animatronic with a lackluster appearance. His body is comprised of a golden yellow color with a black top-hat, bowtie, and buttons. He lacks eyes, rather seen with white dotted pupils, which also match with a row of bright white teeth. He is commonly seen in a sitting position, head slumped, and holding a black microphone. He features four fingers and three toes on each respective arm and foot.
The creation of the Yellow Bear suit is unknown, however it is presumed that the Purple Man created the suit as a prototype to what eventually became the Classic designs of Fredbear when first opening Fredbear's Family Diner. As a result, the suit was abandoned.
The suit wouldn't come to use until the eventual downfall of Fazbear's Entertainment. Due to countless murder cases calling back to Fredbear's Family Diner appearing, it began to weigh on the Purple Man, who feels that his company was doomed to fail because of his actions.
In a minigame which plays after beating Nightmare, The Purple Man expresses his belief that his son's wish of independence will come true, implying suicide. This tragedy is further evident through the Purple Man's history of committing more "bad things" according to himself. Prior to his eventual suicide, an unknown Yellow Man meets with the Purple Man. The Yellow Man presented an offer to the Purple Man which, if taken, would have the Purple Man sell the rights of Fazbear Entertainment to them. In a rare post-jumpscare cutscene, it depicts their second encounter, where The Purple Man accepts his offer before eventually taking his life, possessing The Yellow Bear and gives condolences to his first victim, instructing him to find a "vessel" to possess, which ultimately results in the possession of Cakebear.
During Sam Foster's fifth night of his job at the renewed Fredbear's Family Diner, the Yellow Bear would reactivate and learn of Sam's presence. Alongside the metaphysical presence of the springlock victims, he would hunt Sam Foster down in an attempt to eliminate him. In the end, he barely made it through his shift with his life and presumably resigned from his role as a night-guard.
The Yellow Bear has four unique mechanics that involve using the camera and doorways. Inspired by the Vision Animatronics, his methods of haunting Sam are faster, more sensitive to mistakes, and pose a real physical threat. Yellow Bear can appear in the hallways like Vision Freddy and Foxy, on the Office monitor like Vision Bonnie, and through the cameras like Vision Chica.
Night sequences[]
Vision Freddy[]
Yellow Bear will occasionally be seen standing in the hallway, a contrast to his remaining appearances featuring him slumped over when he takes on the role of Vision Foxy. In the same vain as Vision Freddy, if you use your flashlight on the Yellow Bear, he will temporarily disable your flashlight, allowing the Shadow animatronics and Vision Foxy to attack the player.
Vision Bonnie[]
At times, the Yellow Bear will appear on the computer monitor sitting to the left of the player. The computer emits a clicking sound while the cameras are on, allowing the player to easily signify Yellow Bear's presence whether using the cameras or not. Using the same tactics to counteract Vision Bonnie, the player must open the cameras and search for the Yellow Bear. Once finding him, the player must stare at him for a small period until he eventually disappears.
Vision Chica[]
While on the cameras, the Yellow Bear can utilize Vision Chica's mechanic of hijacking the same camera as means to jumpscare the player. When The Yellow Bear is present on the same camera you are on, he will begin to make the system glitch out as you stare into his eyes. If not dealt with, the Yellow Bear will temporarily shut down the camera system. In order to counter him, the player must switch cameras or flip the monitor down.
Vision Foxy[]
In the background of the boss track, the sound of giggling can be heard, indicating that the Yellow Bear has taken on the role of Vision Foxy. The player must quickly check the Hallway or Backstage Hall camera to locate which hallway the Yellow Bear will approach from. Once his presence is identified, the player must use their flashlight to catch Yellow Bear as he's about the enter through that rooms respective doorway. For example, if the Yellow Bear is seen on the Hallway camera, the player should lower the monitor and shine their flashlight on the left hall, and vice versa. If the player is successful, The Yellow Bear can be seen slumped in the camera and will fade away from the player.
Minigame sequences[]
SAVE HIM (Part 2)[]
When dying to Yellow Bear during Night 5, the player will have a rare chance to open a secret minigame following the events seen in the True Nightmare minigame. In this minigame, the player controls the child after being slaughtered by the Purple Man. His soul roams around Fredbear's Family Diner, unable to further progress. After the death of the Purple Man, he utilizes the Yellow Bear suit as his vessel to inform the child on how to progress. He states that their fate was unfortunate, however they must push forward. The Purple Man, through the Yellow Bear suit, instructs the child to locate a vessel to possess. The child eventually possess the Cakebear animatronic.
- As you can see, he is based on Golden Freddy from FNAF 1, while his name is the same as Golden Freddy's original filename of "Yellow Bear".
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