Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan (2024)


willow rt vAN For tractor end general fWrm work. Faarklar Fan. JMI S. V.II- kniahby Rd MAS Ai ANTED For Pwkup ftmpft manufacturing nm No rwrl wei nr4 apply. 3203 N.

Cedar. Hoi 4 r- i inx Install underground gprln- lirw systems. g3 lMKM Coml conrtrurtJon labor. Knrno chance to learn to run nee riuipnwnt. (1.90 per hour to etart-ring benefits, permanent Job.

Ph. MEN FOr Dish dcpai titan it. Dw shift ant night ahlft available. Top warn Call ED 2-5778, tailna worn. Anov averago tfn.

below average hours. Apply Mobile Mauon. eov urena I Lansing. EH WANTED Bm 18 ana 35 nan aid to Imra trad bi on of Michigan' fastest trowtncl lan and outdoor advarttstnt cc pamet. If yea Uk to work and an looking for aa opportunity to batter yourself, wo art interviewing Sat urdsy.

September IT. Cat 483-0784 for aa appointment Cmtnd Adver tising Co. MOBIL OIL CO. If looking for qualified people to work at company operated mi elation. Experience preferred, but not necessary.

Gond starting pay plus enmmlitm. advancements unlimited. Many company benefita. Apply at Mobile Service Cmtar. 2818 K.

Xalamasoo. MINNESOTA MINING MANUTACTt'lUNC CO. Hal opening fnr tochnteal rr-vice iein eacntativ lor lAn-em am. Carter oooprlumly offer salary, auto expense, am) excellent growth pential. (all Mr.

Smith. 1L A equal opportunity empfcoer. 'MECHANICALLY INCLINED Young iiiah erhaol graduate with military nniiaatinn met. neat and eager to learn the eervirtng or nee maii-rx'fn equipment. Kxcellent opportu- any fnr steady rmpkoment and advancement with national concern in fnsing or Jackson area.

Many 4' frinaa hrnrntt with (oral wnrklna rondltlnn. Ph. 4X.V4.VW brtwrro 9 am. ana p.m. lor aaaitinnal futmatioa.

Aa equal opportunigr am-ployir. KEWTfRT'aflotwrTrjInrlxv-lnTM-laurant nrrda full and part tmw help. fnwtmn) not ntmaary. Apply F.vrtanwn Af East Lantin. be- Imn ft and 10 a m.

or 1 to 2.30 wnnniy tnrouan rnoay. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Selective Conf identical Personalized Independently Owned GENERAL I ARTICLES FOR SALE 51 GAS DRYER FALL SALE! Buy now and saval You'll cheer our low. low Installed price! Choice of Hamilton or Frlaidalrt. Terms. Consumers Power Co 110 X.

Michigan. Ph. IV 5-3371. GAS STOVE 35" Roper, oven win- oow, temp-troi burner, 940. eaectnc stove, (23.

5591 Coral Way. Has- ictt rn. 338-8031. GRILL Davenport, man's brown suiu welch baby strouer. cnild teeter rock, record player and 8.50x14 anow tlrpe.

Ph 627.aooo. LAWN MOWER CCOSE OUT! On all law models, also some used, ma savings now at Rueff Village Hardware. OKemoa. pn. 337-2762.

LINOLEUM 9x12. special i3.8B. Ver- nick's, 1023 s. Washington Lan- sing, pn. IV 9-80B8.

PICTURE FRAMES And mirrors, over a nundred to noose xrom, most all antiques. From S3 up. See us for antiques. Bennie Furniture. Ph.

IV 4-3837. Onen Monday. Friday 'til 9. POOL TABLE SUPPLIES AMP-mod els, we take trades. Golden "8" Bail.

2019 E. Michigan. PB. 484-S533. POOL TABLE 7-foot, used 1 year.

Hinn chair, 1 training cnair. fa. 882-4297. RANGES Used gas or electric In good working condition. Also used refrigerators, many with freezers.

Stno and save at Bennie's Furniture. 109 E. South St. Ph. IV 4-3837.

open Monday. Friday ru VirwTYlVP ATfYfl IB ft cTj! fT Pink, double door, like new. 1332 uakridge. Apt, 201, giast Lansing. rn.

aaugn. REFRIGERATOR GE 13 cu. cop- perlone. .1 months oia. race tiou.

Ph IV 4-8716 after 6 n.m. SEWING MACHINE Clearance, trade- lns. noor samples, reouiit, etc. Less than cost 81 week. Free home demonstration.

Call IV 9-6448. Edwards Distributing 1115 1M. wasninaton. Ill CI f- A lit imm TAV.UUM V. pact.

r.ievuxuA auiu juivb Complete with attachments. 1-year Biarantee. law your vnoicc. ack's. 222 S.

Grand. Ph. 485-9488 vxrttlTvr pt.fanf.R Kenmore tank. Deluxe model witn an me cleaning attachmenU. Like new.

825. Ph. OX 4-6031. tUat PaPlfft rTABrtltTS To RO-it, Oil. new BLOCK I-VJJIIlll.

1 i c. mien, x-ii. i fASHLR AND DRYER Easy. Repossessed. Take over payments.

Ver- niCK 8. XtUO WHSUUUIMHI xx.C. xbu- sing. Ph. IV 9-9088.

WASHER, DRYER Philco electric. S15Q pair, can 4W4-4Jio oeiore o. WINDOW SHADES Sleep more tound- ly witn ugnt-proot winnow snaaes. 11.99 each. Baron's Draper.

ies, 325 S. Washington. Phone IV 4-1366. and 1000 Saginaw. Fh.

TV R-0379. APPLIANCES TV. stereo, furniture. carpeting and custom draperies, storage Furniture Sales. 4601 N.

U.S. 27. Ph. IV 7-0173. Hours 12 to 9 Monday.

9 till 3:30 qauy. tut a naay. BE GENtLE. BE KIND To that ex- pensive carpet, ciean it witn tsiue Lustre, itent eiectnc snampooer, ex. Nosal s.

Logan riaraware, litw a Logan, rn. iv -4t2. FRANKLIN" STOVES And firehoods: on display ana in stock at xoung Bros, ar uaiey. rM ta. Micnigan, MAYTAG Commercial washers and dryers tor apartments, see uieiu i East Side Maytag Sales, 1016 E.

Micnigan. rn. iv a-xaio. MOVING Clearance sale. Furnace pipe and iuungs, registers, xuicia, Cu.

MAtn -nrf fll lng at cost. Call 372-1510 or atop at KENT A dishwasher. 88 per month lOr UU1 HaOOlie tnOlU iPwmurc. i in. service and deUvery.

CaU State Man- agement a-aoai when IT'c TIME For school sup plies, 118 time to viaix vciiicb macy. E. Kalamazoo at Shepard St. Ph TV 9-5004 CIUADC DADTBDC CVrU 51 Bnnrtf, i. rjmmw WILL, ffiusi "'J value ior xuu ui i 1 1.

Dk Dill Rnnil on any tax 111 a u. cseq tars, xv j-gwo. BOATS AND ACCESSORIES 52 BOAT 14' fiberglas. 35 h.p. Evlnrude electric start.

Trailer, boat cover. S-195. Ph. BOAT Class utility racing hull (Speedllner), ao n.p. Mercury racuw mnrnm aIro trailer.

Excellent condi tion. Also Class A Utility racing hull. Ph. 627-6809. rTri Mnxnn remaining mooeis at savinga.

leva, a waniici drt- PONTOON BOATS Factory outlet leva's Marine. 2421 w. Larcn. price, awo ueuvei-eu. xcxxiia.

well g. xonia. rn. di-jjxo. ROPE We have nylon polyethylene manna ana snocit euro in rat ixa and sizes.

Albin Boat and Motor, m-re Potterviiie. rn. twa-oasi CLEARANCE On 1966 model 40 h.p. Kvinruae motors. auosutnux Bills Marine Sales and Service.

nnnA lArio Ph A77-56fS6. COMPLETE LINE lacturea starters ana geneiaiuia ii outboard motors. We stock parts for West Bend. Scott, Johnson, Mercury, Evinrude. 24-hour service and de livery.

er A Marine supply omi IT r.nnil Riw Pti TV 9-4292. MARINE-CENTER 117 E. wassee Street will be on vacation lint 1 after Labor uay. 5PTT.nAT7! Brand new 15- foot fiber glas. 75 n.p.

MCCUllocn witn xrauer. VbIhaH at 844 F.nd of season spe cial, now 81.366.55 plus tax. A A Marine sales. iua w. mi.

nope. rn. afiO-KWt TOriMPSfW fUbAft STRIP 14'. ateering wheel, remote control, gooo condition. $75.

Ph. 655-2945. TTOMPSON Chris-Craft 16'. lap- strake wooa nun, to n.p. Electromatic control, electric horns speedometer, amp gauge, mounted hot warning light and flood control button, compass.

von oaiteiy nu (9) 6-eallon tanks. Alloy tilt trailer. also spare tire. Approximately 50 to 75 nours running time. rn.

oi-oowx. WANTED. BOAT 14 "or 15' aluminum runabout, stare rail preierrea. rn. 8S2-6065.

Fishing, hunting sup's 52A ABC SPORTING GOODS Shotguns, rifles and pistols. 3322 N. East St. BROWNING AUTOMATIC 16-gauee standard with Polychoke. 5150.

rn. GUNS New models In stock. Have one laid away now. Heck bia E. Micnigan.

ClINS For sale, trade or rent. Pis- tols and revolvers. Kennedy' Moony snon. i4o woodbine, rn. iv s-ntw.

GUN 7.rSMauser. like new. saff. Snow tires, 8.50x14 on CHasmooue wheels. $20.

Ph. 627-5989. PAUL'S GUN SHOP Everything In flre- arms, loaaing components. 1 140 utio (Tianotie. rn.

TENTS All styles, select new. Lay- away. Quality Awning. 4313 s. Logan Ph.

K12-4731 TENTS Sorry, have gone on vacation. win oe oacn sept. p. rn, ivatz. 4on- 3242.

ATTENTION. ALL HUNTERS! We now have a large selection ox snot-guns and deer rifles. For trading. bring your old gun to us where you get top-dollar trade allowance. Whal-en Distributing 2709 West Mich igan, rh.

487-6074. J5RNSON-" SKEE-HORSE Snowmo- biles are made In America. and game for anything. Trailers and sleds. Strouse's Sporting Goods at Butternut, it.

Carson city. rn. 235-4422. CAMPERS SALE RENT S2B ARISTO 1963 Travel trailer. IT, cab over.

:i.vj. can uton itapios 24d- 8528. CAMPER Homemade. First 875 takes It. 62U is.

St. Joseph, st- on Beech. CORVAIR CAMPER, $1,795 1964 with stove, refrigerator and sink. Like new condition inside and ouL Ready to go. You must see this one to appreciate.

CMC 1965 -ton camper special witn uvenand lu-ir, over can camp- er. sleeps 4. rn. 627-6044. HOLLY DELUXE Truck camper, 1966: ae f-cnntalned.

Tmlpr. anower. water supply. Used 3 weeks. Save S5UU.

casweirs. lonta, rn. -siu. NlMROD Season's end clearance. units in stock are priced exceptionally low.

Nimrod Camping Corral. 2124 W. Willow. Ph. 882-7088.

PTCRUP CAMPERS $695. 12" travel trailers, seto. Botn complete witn water systems, stove and refrigerator. Caswell's. Ionia.

Ph. 527-3310. ROUTE See the new 14' deluxe. all season, aluminum travel trailer at 6034 N. Hilliard Rd.

Call TU 2-isia. SHASTA i960. 16-FOOT V- sleeps six. new tires, good condition. ttuu.

call owner 3TZ-4tt). SPORTSMAN TRAILER. ituck campers, rartKiin. neveua. Leisure Time, Bee Line.

Track aluminum caps by Stutz. Travel trailers. Franklin Century. Bee Line, Frolic. Folding camper.

Trade Winds, Skamper. Puma. Reese hitches, heaters, accessories. Largest display this tvne in Ontral Mirhioan. Ph.

R28- 6628, 2 miles north. IK mile west of r.nepnerq. ATTENTION Pickup owners. Uk a look at wnat we nave to otter in camper. For the sportsman, 8295, ca hover.

8395. Also, we have the beautiful Travel Queen. America' safest camper at reduced prices, 220g m. ceaar in rioir, BUILDING MATERIALS 51 XUMTVUM STORM WTHIVJWS -Trlple-traclr. aelf-stortrtg.

aluminum screen, wool nil weatherstrlpplng. all sizea tin to 101 inches. 818.95 each Expert lnstallaticri offered. Term or-ranged, Fre local delivery. Lansing sasn at Door exsju cnnziotto axwy.

Ph. 484-1381, READ HEE5 And follow ib ot WM UUBaUM enUsanW M.refeaitstha BUILDING MATERIALS ALUMINUM Basem*nt (3 in Young Bros, at Haley "Bargain paxn. im c. aucmgan. ALUMINUM WINDOWS For man? purposes aucn aa cottages, pa no etv.

closures, etc (Bankrupt stock) I Young Bros. Daley "Bargain Bam." 720 E. Michigan. EPHALT PATCH And drivewU aressing. vo it yum sea ana snvoi Young Bros.

A Daley Drive-In Win dow. 720 F. Mlchiean. BARN PANELS A-l. Complete bar structure.

Can bo seen at 1300 E. ML Hone. CHIMNEY COVERS Aluminum hooda attacneo to iiue. protection rrom ram with wire guards, all popular sizes, Darling Builders Supply 1600 Turner. Ph IV 0,5707.

DTJORsTTSOORS! (Wooi). Bargain pnceo! special purchase of over (factory rejects). Interior and exterior. All types and sizes, at the most outstanding values ever offered at Young Bros. It Daly, "Bargain Bam," 720 E.

Michigan. LASS BL0Clc5Usrtl. 8" size, only 48c each at Young Bros. A Daley "Bargain Barn." 720 Mich ion PATIO BRICK sizes, colors to choose from. Young Bros.

A Daley. 720 E. MichlganT PLYWOOD PANELING AT APPEALING PRICES I "QUALITY" YOUR BEST BUYl' ALL PREFINISHED. -Grooved: 4x8 REGULAR mahogany ....84 4x7 REGULAR mahogany ..83.50 4x8 MANGO 84.33 4x7 MANGO 83.78 4x8 BANANA 84.31 4x7 BANANA 83.78 4x8 COCONUT 4x7 COCONUT 83.71 4x8 NATIVE BIRCHES, light medium, dark 86.91 ODD PIECES 518 CD. each only 30g BASKETBALL A CKBOARDS.

painted $6.91 PLYWOOD cut to size, cupboard doors, drawers made to order. WE'RE HEADQUARTERS for Weldwood" products and "Rock cote" paints. UNFINISHED FURNITURE NO CHARGE FOR DELIVERY PLYWOOD SALES CORP. "OUR 17TH YEAR IN BUSINESS" 3121 S. PENNSYLVANIA PHONE TU 3-0276 HOURS TO 5:30.

SATURDAYS TO 11 SHUTTERS tSTLKU Si: aluminum 95. Large selection oi sizes, casn and carry. Young Bros, at Daley. "Bar gain Barn." 720 E. Michigan.

STEPS, PRE-CAST Concrete units. to widtn. steps high, saiety tread finish. Prices start at S7.44. Installation and free estimates avail able.

Standard Block A Supply. Ph. TU 2-2431. AT GATES LUMBER 1 12 whltd pine sheeting, xss per thousand, utility 2 4' s. $115 per thousand.

Deluxe white pine 6-ft. picnic table. 833.50. Cedar posts. 7, 8 and 10-f from 65c.

Free delivery. Gates Lumber Lnc.x 810 E. Mt. Hope. Ph.


Exterior, regular $8.10 per gallon, now only DOOR CHIMES, all In stock at 13 oft B-A-R-G-A-I-N S-H-O-P LOCATED REAR OF STORE WINDOW UNITS, several sizes and styles, double hung, slide- bys and picture windows, as low aa WINDOW UNITS "Andersen." Struttwall. assorted sizes, value to $65. Your choice $16.91 4" PANELING, pre finished. from ...82.91 FORMICA CUPBOARD TOPSt built up. 3' to 8' lengths, at our -usual low prices! FORMICA, discontinued pattern, per aq.

ft, KIDDIE PICNIC TABLE KD) regular $4 95 $2.49 BI-FOLD DOORS, complete with hardware, from $12.70 INTERIOR DOORS, flush birch, mahogany and preflnished hard board, from $1.91 PREHUNG INTERIOR DOORS. 6-panel colonial $9.91 WINDOW BLINDS, exterior, any size in stock, per pair $4.99 CEILING tile. each STRIPPING. 1x3. per ft.

...3 PLYWOOD and hardboard cuttings at a bargain! ALL KINDS of special mUlwork. screens, storms, sashes. PHONE 482-1115 CONVENIENT TERMS FREE DELIVERY. PARKING I STORE HOURS: Weekdays, 7:30 to Saturday. 7:30 to CASH AND CARRY Out of the way; Less to pay.

Parker Lumber, Dlroon dale. Ph. NI Open Sundays. to 1. small cnarge tor uciiveir.

(YiMPi rte i.tne ot lumber and builder supplies at reasonable price. DeWltt Lumber Co. Ph. -669-2765. AU tentlon! Open Saturdays until A HAZEN LUMBER CO.

WEEKLY SPECIALS! EVERY ITEM A BARGAIN. CLOSEOUT! Picnic table Mt. "Patio Queen," was $29.50 sal price "Patio Prince," was $22.50. al price 817.50 PINE SHIPLAP. sheathing.

per $9.80 GARAGE DOOR SPECIAL! rxT fiberglas. now. only 871 GARAGES BY HAZEN! Do 1t yourself, or we will do the complete job for you! BI-FOLD DOORS. Mahogany, now, 823.50 STEPLADDERS. Wood.

5. 6 and 8-ft, sizes, as low as $4.80 EXTENSION LASDERSa 18 through 32-fL wood, a tow a $11.50 HOUSE PAINT. Latex by DeVoe. regular $8.20. per gallon 85.70 UTILITY GRADE, 3x4', per lineal ft, 7 Via PANELING.

Mahogany 4 V-' grooved 83.90 PANELING. Mahogany 4'xT. V-grooved 83.40 COMPLETE LINE OF Miller Falls power ana nana toot. DeVoe paints, interior shutter. Tasselt cupboard narawi "Sargent" locks, glue, ate MANY OTHER SIMILAR VALUES WE HONOR your "Michigan Bankard" credit card.

HERE'S where you get "customer aervice." Fro delivery. Returns accepted. HAZEN LUMBER 00. 3829 S. LOGAN PHONE TU 3-0294 OPEN: Weekday.

8 to Saturday. 8 to 13 snon. SMALL HOUSE You wreck nnd dens up tor lumoer. suitamo ior g-rr ST. etc.

Phone IV 9-7660. THE OVERHEAD DOOR A nam you can trust! xne garage ooor Deat suited tor every car. Overhead Door oi tJinaing. j.ub s. Howard, rn.

ZACK-O-MDt tor baMment water-proofing. Bonding new concrete ta oia ana weiaing crnex. Martin LOCAL INSTRUCTION ORGAN LESSONS Private Irtsiruc- tion ior aauitg, rrea praenco in stuaiq. amciaiigniin a mano atari. ibia is.

Micnigan, fn iv 2-7350. PIANO AND ORdAht fnatructinn au graaea, ail ages. Madiu Music 1 n. iu 1 k. sai.

xdooe. fn. iv i-nni LEARN TO FLY At -our noverruuent ucensea acnoot, witn experienced ln-atructora. It's easy and fun! Open every day! For the best, come to granna Avuiuon. cau iv 4-ush jor an aDDOlntment now! MUSICAL, DANCE, DRAMA 44 RGAN INSTRUCTION In electronic teaching studio, (1 a lesson.

You do not have to own an organ to learn, 8-week course. Marshall Music. 402 S. Washington. Ph.

484-4416. ORGAN children tC ginnera in my noma, uaya ana evenings. Ph. 489383 after 8 P7JlNOSTRUCTIONTrlvate les- sona ny piano major in my. home.

East siqe. rn. 4ta-5ti5. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION 45 HEAVY EQUIP WE NT- 'Learn dozers. decs, acranera.

Field training. Key. 235 N. Washington. Ph, IV 2-0824.

Uvistoek PETS AND SUPPLIES 47 AFGHANS And fun aelecUon AKC puppies. Micnigan'a most complete selection of animals. Buy with con fidence. Fowler's Fin, Feather, Fur Shop, Logan center, rn, 882-6364, upen aauy. bunaay j.

to a. ATREDAL.K AK(T female, snaved sired by farxwooa rersian. rained Newman's Obedience School. I years old. eMp.

rn. an j-xvjd. BASSET PUPPY Female, had shots. no papers, xao. m.

ew-2347, BEAGLE And pups. 3 months old. Mother good Burner, ao eacn. rn. 372-6180.

BLUE TICK Black and Tan coon hounds, also raboit pound, beu or trade. Ph OX 9-2271. BOXERS. co*ckERS. POODLES Dachshunds, Chihuahuas, sennauz-ers.

Welsh Terriers. Pekingese. Shepherds, Scot ties. Central Michigan's largest selection of puppies, all carrying our 3-month guarantee! Frandor Pet Shon. Ph.

IV S-6652. 6RITTANIES Registered. Puppy shots and wormed. 2 months old. Moving, will take (25.

Ph. 882-2647. CBcKER Pubolea. AKGblonde or black, aoa. cnocoiate or mue poooie mini-toy puppies, excellent oiooa line.

pn. ox 9-2271. ALMATIAN "PUPPrES AKC regfs- tered. Two 3 week olds, with or without mother, raised with children. good watch dog.

(75 each, ph, 224- 7171. sr, jonns. "1RKRMAN PTNSfHER PuDPles. Red or black. Male, female.

AKC fb. 372-5158. ENGLISH POINTER Beautiful young male, lyson line, natural retnever, good hunter. S2S0. Ph.

372-3076. ENGLISH SETTER Thoroughbred riouseoroKen, gooo nunter. tjwner moving, aiuu. rn. doi-iiou.

ENGUSH POINTER Bird 3og7 Anout years old. wmto ana Drown, 41 Klnllne Blvd. GERMAN SHEPHERD 8-month fe- maie. AKC registered, baa all shots. S55.

Ph. 627-5805. eERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES AKC. bred Ior quality, top-a-hiii Kenneia. near Lansing.

Dial ana ask for Sunfield 9412 after 5 or weekends. KITTENS To give away. Ph. 339-2674. LABRADOR RETRIEVERS AKC, Quality hunting, snow stock.

Keason- able. East Lansing. Ph. ED 7-7941 alter b. LABRADOR RETRIEVER" Puppies.

Ttlaclr. mived. 6 weeks old XI 0 tiooa ior nunting ano pet, rn. awa-wox POODLES Toys and mlnlaturea Quality puppies at sensible prices. Har-Brldee Kennels.

Ph. IV 2-7537. POODLE PUPPIES AKCTT'oodTe stud service. All colors and sizes. Delhi Kennels.

Ph. 627-5898, POODLE STUD SERVICE Lovely and 8-ln. white toys. AKC. Puppies available, rn, josette a xvenneis.

ur 2067. 1 POODLES. MINIATURE AKC. 8 weeks old. Black and cocoa, male and female.

For details call IV 2-6130. POODLE PUPPIES Black miniature. 8 weeka old. AKC registered. Ph.

372-5535. RjbDLES Outstanding litter of puppies now available. Champion otoouiines. exceuent aispositions. rn.

372-3837 or see at 1626 Alpha. POODLE Dark brown female; AKC registered. s5. 1303 Hammond, rn. IV 5-7515.

PUPPIES Mixed co*cker. Brittany, ex- ceuent pets, uood nunting atocir, as eacn. rn. tu i-isoa. SH LTTeTU Pg( Toy coUlen).

Cham- pion. mood lines, sable, rnone 301- 5UB9. KITT1SMS Seal Points pure breed, box trained. io. rn.

iv 5-3597. SPRING-SETTER PUPPIES Should be good hunters. 10., Ph. ED 2-3310. SPRINGER SPANIEL PuDDies.

AKC. liver and white, 4 months old. Good hunters and pets. Ph. 372-3449.

TERRIER PUPS 6 weeks old, had first puppy snot ana wormed. iu. rh. iv H-4283 alter a o.m. WETMARANER Registered, female.

18 months old. Started hunting last tall. Ph. 669-9019. WEST HIGHLAND WHITE TERRIERS selectively bred, ajvc registered.

All inouiries welcome. Ph. 337-1193. BLACK CAT About a year old. part angora, baa been spayed, eree.

rn. 393-3416. BOaRCTNG Heated, outdoor run for each dog. Maurers Kennels. Fn.

IV 5-3991. 2423 Lake Lansing Road RnARDTWl flmnmlns and ha thine. ruppies, sruas at service, rargwooa Kenneis. rn, srj-asr. BOARDING New kennel In the coun try.

Runs Tor eacn doc. m. 3.TO-255n. IXED SCHNAUZER Puppies. S5 each.

842U ii ill wood mgnway. rn. 646-6648. STUD SERVICE And dogTrlmmlngl a specialty at randor ret snop in ranoor. rn.

iv -ob52. STUD SERVICE Miniature golden apricot poodle, proven sire, AKC, sensmie ice, rn. iv 2-B4Q7. HORSES, CATTLE. EQUIPT 48 FEEDER PIGS 130.

wormed nnd ready to go. rn. KVh-Mrvi MODEL QU ATRTfi RHORSE 1 -year- oio stallion, registered. "Choicest piayHoy," 17409-A. Must sell.

Call alter 5:15. IV 2-4339. Registered '2-year- oia iuiy. gentle ana broke. Wiw.

Also saaaie. 94U. rn. bb-blb. REGISTERED-1- Weanlirig Ally and stuo con, roco tsueno, wnimpy.

r-i Red Dog, P55 bloodlines. Registered yeaning, nan AraD gelding, lumper. Mare 8 years old. ready to foal, gentle. Ph.

651-5696. Laingsburg. Marehandist ARTICLES FOR SALE 51 AIR CONDITIONER 120 Volt 8130. rn. iv 1-U14Q.

ANTIQUING KITS Anything you can paint two or new) can oe cnangeo to age-old antique or simulated rich wood grain without removing the old finish. Stop In at Roberta Paint 2513 S. Cedar or 2018 E. Michigan and ask for "Old Masters Creative Finishes." BARRELS Steel, fiber, for rubbish burning, ruel oil. Lansing Iron A BATHTUBS New 4'.

iW. 3'. 48.50.' metai. ins n. urcn.

rn. 4g2-iauj, usea. up. jaxe numbing, 306 E. South St.

Ph. IV 5-1847. BOTTLED GAS And bulk service. tour tanas lined at plant. Appliances.

Masters Lansing Bottled Gas. o-Tuu s. rennayivania. rn. 2-4(3U.

BOTTLE GAS INSULATION Two 100- ib. cylinders, bulk installations, gas clothes dryer, 5179.95. Lease a 39-gal. gas water neater for 829.95. Cylinders filled while you wait.

Great Plains Gas. 400 W. Thomas St. Ph. 484-9409.

BOTTLE GAS We will fill your tanks wntie you wait. Ace rropano ties. 5bi7 s. cedar, call asu-iouu. CARINETS Metal, ntllitv and ward- rooe.

twin launary tuns, wringer washers, dryers, dinette chain, sofa beds, lude-a-beds. dishwasher. Incinerator, accordion, roaster. Simplex 1 mner, used dinettes, poker table, buffets, dining room suite, many other bargain Items at Tony Coats Monomy store, xoa n. ceaar.

(TARPORT 10'ofy. IV. veers old" Like new. Aluminum, nest oner. rn.

484-3735. CERAMICS Closeout on all Fiesta tains. iz or more at 40 per cent discount at re-rio ceramics. oOB Michigan. Pb, IV 7-3428.

COLORED PATIO BLOCKS 3 colors, red. green, buff. 29c each; 55c each at Darling Builders Supply 1600 Turner. Ph. IV CHRISTMAS TREES 900.

ana 8 il. Dnmal trees. IyMtert 1423 Pamell. Ada. Mich, Phono LoweU, 897-S959.

or 4JO-04D4. DEEP FREEZE Amana upright, $95; oea. complete, kai: moe-a-oea. 9'xl2 rug. SS-.

TV, 820: roU-away bed. 810; record player. 812: chest. 88: desk. 815; dinette act, 815: lawn mowers, bicycles, 85.

Basel's Furniture. 1415 E. Crand River. F5AM PADDINebruoholstery. 14" to 4 tmcK.

cut to size, custom ciec-orators. 1015 E. Saginaw. Pb, IV 4-5tM. FREEZERS Special on chests and uprights, westing house ramily size.

8168.88. Rent a freezer for 86. per montn. tsenrrutn fcarcmc. 210 s.

Bridge. Grand Ledge, fall e27-210l. FREEZER 2fchet-kI25Trtabla typewriter, 829.50; bookcase, 810; hu- midiner. a-j. used g-urniture, iio lumer.

GET HoUSErloLS fJUoLSS the mod- way oy loaning in "Ml A NATIONAL OIL COMPANY Has an opening ior salesman, over au. the Lansing area. Furmsh longer lasting lubricants to farm, commercial and Indus trial accounts. Excellent repeat orders, fringe benefits and earnings up to S30.0TJO a year plus a new car as a bonus. Write E.

J. Baker, vice presioent. ocpl Ja. r.u. Box (76, Dayton, Ohio.

ENCYcTOPEDlA BRfTANVTCA Top cvcnmlsslons paid, sell by appointment on nationally quauiica snsns, rnone aY tWIli HEAVY EOUTPMENT Prefer experi ence. Leading zirm. uraw. eommis. aion, expenses.

Call Joe King. 373- 4030. SneUlng A Snellinc Personnel. rM TIRED I have been Interviewing men In this area for some time now and I'm tired of talking to young men who are looking for a (100 week salary, old men who are too tired to work. Is there someone in this area who la looking for a real opportunity and not lust a mere job? Our men make (15.000 a year and up.

Good advancement opportunities available. For confidential Interview phone 487-5U27. ask for Larry Zlehm. MENS CLOTHING STORE Now hir ing permanent personnel tot a new store. (100 and up per week for the right man.

truer expenenceo man. See Mr. Nelson. Redwood A Ross. 113 S.

Washington, formerly the old Michaels Mann Store. RESibESTtAL Real estate. saicT: man witn tna opening 01 anotner office In East Lansing we have 2 openings for either experienced or those who can qualify. We offer help, guidance and a definite plan to assure your success. To discuss it on confidential basis call Don Chase, evenings 4S3-7H61, or Robert Waters, evenings SQ-6139.

days carl 482-1637. La-Noble Realty 1316 E. Michigan Ave WE NEED 1 SALESMEN Who want tnp Ilisnt opponunity io enm xup flight Income. Stymied In your career? Want exciting creative stimulating work? Make your Real Estate your career. Business Is booming with one of Lansing's most successful real ex Tate company's.

Cell us and see for yourself. Gib Simon. Simon Real Estate. 372-1130. YOUNG MARRIED MAN Tired of being tied down to factory Job? National organization now has Immediate openings In Lansing area.

No over-niEht travel, better than average Income. For personal tnter-iew call Mr. Wood. 10 till 3. 332-3306.

HELP, MALE AND FEMALE 34 APPRENTICE COSMETOLOGIST Will train. No past education or experience In beauty work necessary. Mut have Call Mr. John. ED 2-09O4: also opening for experienced stylist.

BARTENDER Night at Harmonic Bar. 1825 N. Grand River. CLAIM-REPRESENTATIVE Large multiple line insurance company, lege education or equivalent preferred. Immediate employment ar- ranerrf locally.

for POSltiona and training In any one of many areas In the United States. Salary, expenses and automobile provided. Excellent employe benefits. Positions also for law graduates and experience claims representatives. Ph.

372-6410 and ask for Robert Bmvlin for an Interview appointment. Aetna Life and Casuality Co. An equal opportunity employer and plana for prog-t mmnxnv. CLTE A LNG Of windows and base- menta in sunaivuuons. musiiiv own transportation, r-n.

-ibuu. COOK Dinner, apply Holiday Inn. COOK Experienced, opening for the nam person in uiw: wi est restaurants. Salary open. Blue cross insurance, paia nouaays, cw-ed Sundays and holidays.

Ph. 48o- T17Q Cnr interview. CBbK Volume feeding. Experience heiprui. run ana pan iimc 11111 help needed.

Ph. ED 2-OR17 or apply In person. 8 to 5. Monday through nday. provincial nouac.

imbw wind East uansing Counter help full and part time, meaia lumuinea. uwj No Sundays or holidays. Apply days only. 8 to 11 a.m.. 2 10 4 p.m.

xvcw pee. 115 W. Shiawassee. Ask for man v. nhnra calla nlease.

fTfbil TaJWfr nvs Must be depend. a me. raid vacation, insuimxirc uiic-fits and uniforms furnished. Apply in person Howard Jonneon ivestaurani. Frandor.

DISHWASHER. FULL TIME -Apply In person, riarmorue oar. kwi River. kENNfeLMAN For animal hospital. to clean and care ior ammais.

assisi doctors, learn to trim. .18 to 35 vmix nermanent. full time. Apply In person. T21 N.

Larch. intCHENHELP Day and nlgnt shift openings. Experience not ne-mun. will train Paid hospitaliza tion and vacation. Apply daily at 401 E.

Grand River. East Lansing, next to Campus Theater or 3423 E. Saeinaw. across from Albert Pick. time.

Applv in person Arian a uepw atorc. fiwxil SURVEY TAKER Part time, own transportation. Mature, own nours. approximately 10 hours per week. fall Mr RmkI.

4X7.5037. WtI7PRl.sEROTsilk finisher. Ex- perience preterred. tooo hours i-n. IV 9-9029 or apply 3011 Michigan.

Immediate work. WOOL PRESSER Top wages, apply In person. Island uty ueanera. Grand Ledge. FIT1.1.

ftR PART TIME Drivers, Must nave good anving recoro, applt Micnigan can iin niver. MALE FEMALE. SALES 35 AGGRESSIVE Man or woman, full time, beginning wage, ai.js per nour. Must have service obligation completed or deferred. PX Stores, Fran- a.v fv Q-i ni REAL ESTATE Need energetic, ca- reer minded saiesireo, cxpen-enco preferred, not required.

Call Mr. Hlliey. ED 7-1641: after hours. Tt! I.fij-1 ct- Realtors. RESORT SELLING Person of ambl- tinn.

own hours, part or run time. We train, no limit on earnings. Call Mr. Reed. 4X7-5027.

SALES'PERSON" Wanted for retail recoro snop. run time, innge oene-fits. Apply In person. Andre's Record Shna Atlft Waahineton. ARE YOU TlitED Of factory worS ana would rx a career tn aaies? Full or part time.

Fringe benefits and annual bonus offered. Call for Interview 393-1210. Niagara Cycle-Manitr between 10 and 12 noon IMMEDIATE OPENINGS For ener getic sales people anxious to succeed, over 30 years of age. Training available. Call Obrecht Realty Co-Monday through Friday.

8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.. IV 4-44Q4. SIT. VVTD.

EMALE BABV-SlTTING-In my licensed" Wav- eny area home. ua.vs. iteierences B-ladlv aivn Ph TV lUTOSti BABY-srTTINlSRoom for 1 In my 11- rmsed home. 1329 E. Grand ruver.

Call IV 4-5634. for my children. Fenced play area, licenced home, meala aerved. Ph. 882-0974.

CHILDCARE In my north side II- censco noma oy nour or oay. in- CHILD Day care, by hour, day or wtck. aoutn aide ncenaea iwrne. ret- erences. Ph.

3B3-03a2. rVxttt rARxX Vnr nceschonlera nv ex-teacher in my ncensea norne. i block from Logan Shopping Center. rn. asa-j2iJ.

COMPANION To lady. Nights. Live in. Ph. ED 2-433B.

IRONINGS Done In my home. 623 wieland Road. Ph. OFFICE-WORK Prefer legal. 10 years experience, nave gooo reier encea.

Part time. Ph. 627-6704. SlECRETArUAITemporary. by week or month.

Prerer shorthand dictation or dictaphone transcription, sour 01 flee. Ph. NA 7-6207. SIT. MALE, FEMALE 3A RFTtnm mtrPI.F.

Under RS de sires ugni part-time work, rn. av Situations ACCOUNTANT-OFFICE MANAGER Self-employed, public accountant desires permanent position. Married, ago 33 years. Lansing resident 13 years. Graduate with two years accounting and business administration.

Twenty years experience. For Interview and complete resume write Box No. 77. State Journal. conn jobs for avcyuuuy la the (ciniaiXiad columnar MALE HELP, SALES SITUATIONS WTD-MALE J7 ACCOUNTANT-CPA Available for 3 or a days earn week, jv years expen ence.

Write Box 88. SUto Journal. BOOKKEEPER, ACCOUNTANT Of- rtce manager. Ph. IV 3-4737.

Duplicator operator Printer. small private plant. Wrlta Box S3. tate journal. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Dai service ior ambitious people, m.

372-2610. Financial BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ffLAS.4 Rift With dlnlnw room. locaiea in nortnem community at freeway exit. Excellent fixtures and equipment. Volume over (200,000.

For terms and details call Guernsey. La-Noble Realty. 1516 E. Michigan. IV 3-1637.

evenings IV 9-0814. DCKTAIL LOUNGE Beautiful lake-front location, weekend dancing, good gross and growing. Owner will finance. Call 489-3063 today. Stan Ticenis.

Broker. DINER And banquet room. 23 miles rrom canaing. Grossing over giuu.ouo per year. Charred rock grill fully carpeted and air conditioned.

Seating capacity 160. Will accept free and clear Income property In trade. Call liaroia porter, iv 4-4400. ciyae j. Oitn.

Inc. Realtor, evenings IV 2-4727. DISTRIBUTOR REQUIRED For full or part time to service company established accounts In. supermarkets. grocery, drug and package stores.

No selling. Proven product used by 90 per cent or adult population, ziign profit and repeat sales assure you of extremely high earnings with guaranteed income. You must bo a MtahliahfNt. financially re sponsible person- Your Investment of 9.4W.ju win estaoiisn you in wis highly profitable business that will withstand your banker's Investigation. Write, wire or call collect ME 7-1710.

1537 Prudential Drive. Dallas, Texas, Mr. Andersen GOLF COURSE co*cktail lounge and lodge. Located on lamous resort is land, owned ny wen known doctor. Has had trouble with managers and wishes to sell.

Liberal terms. Call Tyler. LaNoble Realty. 1516 E. Mlch- lgn.

IV 2-1637. evenings 6ROCERY AND GAS STATION In a-iwi Mvation on main rraveieo roaa. well equipped, good stock, showing Tine prolll. rive rooms ana oain living quarters, automatic oil heat. Pric la rieht.

location light, nrofits are up to you. Owner will trade for JU-40 acres, tsu-l. can baton Agency. Realtors. Charlotte 543-4250 or eve nings Pottervllle 645-7603 MILK ROUTE For sale, no money down, will flanaee to responsible party with good credit.

Ph. 677-2011. MnTn; Coast to coa si. Chamn Mo tel Brokers -jtsho w. Mile, soutn- rieid.

Micnigan. rn. tai-vauu. MOTEL 10 nice units In Traverse City area. Good seasonal volume, bepa.

rate living quarters. Room to expand. Oniy $25,000 down. Good terms. Call Bruce Ramthun.

LaNoble Really. 1516 E. Michigan, IV 2-1637. evrnlniix KfrVTF.f If ri community on state hlgh- way. Attractive units witn oasenoara heat, nice 2-oedroom living quarters, Onlv S10.000 down.

Call Guernsey. LaNiohle Realty. 1516 Michigan. IV 2-1617. evenings IV 9-0814.

RESTAURANT Sell or lease. Char lotte, seating capacity, rsewiy remodeled, excellent business. Ph. Hahn Agency. 484-7002 or ED Z-336U.

SERVICE-BUSINESS Man or man and wire, very successiui same location 12 years. Gross business per year, no selling or no delivery. 1 r-l" h.nril. Usatth tnrnm ante Wlil stand full Investigation. Write box 6.3.

state Journal. Lansing. SUPERMARKETS 2I Both the only nnea in email towns near LAnsing. Will lease or sell with Inventory only down or trade for house considered Roth doinat eood volume and show- lng good return. 1 has nice home attached.

Ph. Keith Fisher 655-2446, Roll Realty. Perry. 625-4484. SUPERMARKET WANTED Must nave at least o.uw sq.

it. ano on street narking, ror details call lyier. LaNoble Realty. 1516 E. Michigan.

IV 2-1637. eveningsjiTj-iiiog. TAVERN Excellent location on ehore or Traverse Bay. volume over vw. nm.

low overhead. Only S6.500 down. Will consider some trade. Call Byron Miller. La neany.

inio Michigan. IV 2-1637. evenings IV V-H1 flVEBN Rucv email eitv Good vol ume. nice living quarters, w.uuu down. Terms, contact nyron miner.

LaNoble Realty. 1516 E. Michigan. TV evnine IV 01. tft C55MM RCTAlL ZONED 14-acre with pleasant a-oearoom rancn nomc and nice yard plus fully equipped barber anon.

An oonortunity for a nice home and choice of many types of business, all at one location. Terms to quanried Duyer. can uena i own- send. iRM-iJluu. evenings iu ii-ori.

Furman-Day Realty. DUE TO II3THEALTH Owner must sell his prontaDie oustness. no win sell separately sand and gravel, plus 15 acres, all the equipment, and small home that can be used for an office. Please call Ann Viculin. IV 9-6798 or 393-2400.

Furman-Day Realty GOOD" BUSINESS In rTiggtns Lake area. Kestaurant ano living quarters. 3.6 acres with 329' of frontage on old US-27. In business 16 years. Shows good gross Income.

For details call Clara Jewett. TU 2-2475. evenings OR 7-K3Q1. Warner A Long Realty. llOLT GarageTS 417 Can be pur- cnaseo witn or wunoui toots, taii James, ox 9-2101 or ux 4-ui.

James Real Estate, MQlt. CIRc*msTANCES Didn't necessl tate. wouldn't sell business for triple the asking price of $5,500 cash. Net between x7.ijo and au.uuu iirst year. Th LANSING AREA Tavern.

Grosses be- tween and 4U.utai wiui very low overhead. Owner wishes to sell alter 24 years ol successiui Dullness. Books available for Interested party. Call Harold Darbor. All Star Realty.

TTj-ixaj. evenings vxv--jmu. TjOTJS-" hT-VAN HORN Realtor. Send lor tree list oi opponunities. ville.

Mich. Ph. PLaza 4-6173. SUNOCO FRANCHISES AVAILABLE THE SUN OIL Company Franchise offers you outstanding advantages not available with any other oil company. Secure your future, be an Independent businessman.

THE SUNOCO FRANCHISE OFFERS YOU: CUSTOM blended gasoline from one pump. S. SALARY paid during complete professional training program. 3. FREE national and local advertising.

4. ANNUAL T.B.A. refund 5. FINANCIAL assistance. 6.

MANY, many mora benefits! LEARN THE FACTS TODAY WITH NO OBLIGATION CALL IV 2-4869 MR. ULRICH TEXACO Has a modern 2-bay service station ior im For Information about this excellent business opportunity, call IV 2-0112 aays. or miw MONEY TO LOAN ALWAYS FHA LOANS-Avallable. Ap- praisai time a wy mitment time 72 hours. All loans closed 21 days or less Minimum down per cent, maximum term 30 years.

5S per cent interest rate. Refinance land contract, rrwrtirages and regular galea. William H. Sills Mortgages. fFHA approved lender).

919 E. Grand River. East Lansing. Ph. i-7ii r- cSSrTLOANS Up to (1.IXX).

LarSIni Loan. 908 Michigan NaUonal Tower. Ph, IV 2-1 4.11. BORTGAGES lJt and 2nd, Home oe i r- 11, nnt neces- ry" F. CrawSrd.

Broker. Ph. 482- 200 WANTED TO BORROW 41 M.000 ror in momns. win Inventory. Ph.

IV 5-7924 after 5:30 InstrnctioR COR'SPONDENCE COURSES 42 TMWKTNG ABOUT Wortrtng to- wards your nign scnnpi nipioui GI approved. Call ICS. TV 2-0624. TRADE SCHOOLS 42A IBM TRAINING KEYPUNCH AND COMPUTER PROGRAMMING. COME IN AND SEC THE MACHINES.




looking for a full time prestige position with an opportunity for adancernent. we may have place for you. Starting salary 11 US 50 to (I'M per week. Must have minimum high echont diploma, be neat In personal appearance and available for Immediate employment. Fnr personal lnter-vane phono 331-4UU.


APPLY ONLY IN PERSON TO MR. FRANCK. JURY-R0WK FUR NITURE CO. MALE HELP, SALES 3U BUILDING SUPPLIES Tremendous juture. yea paid, ga.vju p'us commission, expenses.

Call Joa King. en-ouou. bneuing sneiung. CLOTHING Salesmen for men's cloth trig and runusrung department, jsnoura be experienced, guaranteea aaiary. King's.

377 Waahlnston Ave. aTTWlCALLiKUGS Feo paid, top rrm. car. expenses, oorrus. rrom li.JlJU.

can Joe King. linell' ing swiiini rcrsonnei. FOOD SALES Training, top firm. car ex pc nape, oonua. Marc aojaxj.

WiU advance. Call joe King. 373-4030. Snellliut and SneUlng Personnel. HARDWARE MAN EXCELLENT position In downtown hardware dept for aggressive and dependable salesman.

PERMANENT employment with full employe benefit programs. EXPERIENCE preferred but will consider interested man with other qualifications. APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE STH FLOOR 3. W. KNAPP CO.

INSURANCE Licensed Catuallty salesman, salary oniy. tor personal Interview, uuandt. inc. iamporary. n.

vn-fxo, MANUFACTURERS SALES Heavy travel, nr. expenses. (." pius rwnmlBslon. it joa King. Jii-SJau.

Snellins and Sneuinc rarsonnei. PIPE AND TOBACCO SALES PERSON TO TAKE charge of a new department specializing in imported pipes and tobaccos. SOME experience la preferred, but not essential, special training will be provided for the right person. APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE STH FLOOR J. W.

KNAPP CO. POTATO CHIP SALESMAN Lan- slng area, tond guarantee Plue commission Insurance and retirement. For Interview call Made-Rite Potato Chin Co Crvsta Mich. Ph. -JSV-aiJ.

Restaurant; bar supplies Solid accounts, prerer a oeaver. From (7.200 plus. Call Joe King. oTJ-4nft0. bnelung and SneUlng Per-sonnet.

SALES National company offer an xpr4ffrra taiiftunan ior uinunc irr-ntory. KxO plut on ex-tnariew Cr. bonus and all Fe paid. Call Great Lke tjnviaymtnu inc. iv i-wu.

SALES REPRESENTATIVE Attractive earnings. (10 000 to (13.000 for one 30 to 45 years old. with good sales ability to sell In an Interesting new field. We are hiring to meet demands In the territory already set up. Steady year around selling, all leads furnished, health and life Insurance benefits.

you qualify call 883-7321. SALESMAN EXPERIENCED for quality boyg and students department. Sal-aiy commensurate to ability. Call or see Mr. Fred Parker.


WOODWARD 3-121S SALESMEN NEEDED For an active. growing real estate oirice. Leaos rur. niahed. Call R.

V. Stay. IV 3-3211. evenings IV 3-4073. Slay Realty Realtor.

SATES REPRESENTATIVE-F Micnigan territory. c.xpenenced preferred. Write Kederal fertilizer Sales supsiaia Butler. Indiana. SALESMAN.

EXECUTIVE THE AETNA Life Insurance Co. now has career opportunity for a salesman tn Its LAnsing office. Age 23 to 43. married, resident of the area. Will work with estate planning, business Insurance, group Insurance and pension plana.

Incentive com- Fnsatton In addition to salary. I a a training program Includes 4 weeks In noma office In Hartford. Conn. FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE DON VanGORDER. CL.U.

AT 3734410 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER USED CAR SALESMAN Lam volume new ear dealer Is expanding used car salca force. Experienced ear salesman preferred. All fringe bene- fits, vacation, demonstrator furnished. An excellent opportunity fnr the light man. se Bob Hogarth.

Kan O'Shaugn-neseey. Suo E. MKhlgan. SALESMAN-Experienced In furniture ano appliances, run or part time. Good wages.

Apply In person. Central stores, jn Micnigan. A REWARDING CAREER Selling NCR rash register ond related electronic equipment. Salary and bonus paid while training. Liberal fringe benefits lis) per cent eompanl paid.) Ultimate 3 Pgunt Income.

Lansing grea. Ph. Mr. Fleming. 4S4-74i3.

Other areas phone collect. An Equal Opportunity Em-lert. An Equal Opportunity Employer. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA CAIN MUST APOLOGIZE TO OUR over 000 families who have sent for information from us. We just don't have enough sales representatives to deliver the Information you have requested.

BUT WE ARE TRYING! REPRESENTATIVES URGENTLY NEEDED AGE no factor. WILL TRAIN nt our expense, S. WILL give a (730 month guarantee, 4. WILL not allow door to door aoliclting. WE WORK from reoeusti only.

Dignified work. All company benefits included. FOR APPOINTMENT and com- piete Information PH. IV 4-5671 IS EAJiY to mad the claaaHUa aqs ana to proui urougn ao oolnc. 3S7 MICHIGAN EAST LANSING AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Paht TIME Lawn upkerp for larac apartment grnirri cu Mr ium nn-onai Between I a.m.

and 4 p.m. lnuay tntouah Friday. PaR RTTfXtE Photo and hard-line Monday through natur- day. to 10. SundAva 11 la AiXHy r.

irniaa Part timEj p.m. -7 p.m. with newsDaoer newipaper oarDera. No Ph JV for appointment. PARTTIMfi AppUcaUona brJnc! uaen lor pouremrn ana luaroa.

Evenlnaa and arwmnd work. Call m-hi Between a a.m. and p. SEE THE fttTNOOO Advertlarmeot ua- Butine OppurtuiuUet. STMr-RETIRED MAN Wanted for iock room, able to Keep records.

3 to 40-hour weak. Neat appear- ln. For Interview phone 4lO-to7. TWOJOBS Tour riiolre If you duaT try. Abova averata Income and fu ture io man witn good aaiea per-aonallty.

Call Mr. CaYouns. TU TRO MEN To work In carpet ware- nouiHB. Am-anmiMfii poauoiliura io head department la future. High arnoot araduata.

ear necessary. Ap ply In person. Carpet Fair. 3325 S. lenar.

WANTEDMACHTNEiSROP Steel fab- ncatina shop amployeB for eonveynr manuianunns. lop rates, nosptutt-xauon. and pension plan. Planet Sunset. Lansui.

Mich, SINGLE OR COUPLE For farm tabor to can board sell in ruxmsbed rantn. m. ka-zcq. WANTED Msmed-man rxperlrnced in oatry ano aenerai xanmna. fond wages, modern house furnished, (ieorce H.

iMmman. 76V) Saraent Fowlenllle. Ph. CX 3-9TIH WANTED Vn accountant or bonk- keeoer. Kxpenenca prererred.

Aae 3U-I. Hrllt box Y7V state Journal. YOUNG-MANifl to aSTmarned with Bond worn record to wortc In auin service department. Liberal employe benefits. High school araduate preferred.

Ph. Mr. Calhoun. 4K.VT144. An uaf opportunity employer.

YOUNG MEN If you want a job where you can get up and go. then roll with Servomation. show us you are 14 to 2. a good driver, a man who can dig In and work or talk to people aa occasion demands. Our men paid hourly, but get a eomrmsaion also.

Start at tao. make over IT30 la two years. Servomation nf Lan etng. 4,11 N. firand.

Ph. 373- I8.1O. Miss Wilkinson. SALES Engineer. OEM equipment, pee paid.

Car. E-pensea. To 13.000 RECENT ME or Assoclata Degree. Start in at test, train In engineering or man-aaement. Pea paw.

To M.000 PRODUCTION Supervisor Trainee. Press dept. Ta 7.J0 ACCOUNTANT. Will train very sharp young man. Prefer CPA.

Head up property management dept. Starting salary to S13.000 PRODUCTION Supervisor. Will take 1 or 2 years of college. Borne metal stampings back-ground. Supervise 60.

To tT.2M PLANT Superintendent Assistant. Pee paid WlU bo methods Improvement man-ager. Bonus. Salary to M.400 PROO RAMMER. TO STOO TOOL Room foreman.

Expert-mental. To SS.400 BUSINESS Office Manager. Supervise Small hoeptlal. To 7.100 MAINTENANCE Foreman. Small hospital.

About M.500 SALES. Agricultural. Potential 10- 15.000. Car. AU a- penses.

Boat salary M.300 SALES Representative. Oil company. Car. All expenses paid. Complete training program.

M.300 SALES. Tons ceo company. Car. All expenses paid. To 8.500 ACCOUNTANTS.

Juniors. To M.000 SALES. CaS on wholesale-retail chains SALES. Buslneea forma. Feo paid.

Cua rantea first year of 0.000 plus CREDIT Trainee MJO0 MANAGEMENT Trainees, a yr college (3.400 SALES. Rustierea Machine. Feo paid. Bonus plug expenses. M.300 SALES.

Tobacco Car ptue all expenses, salary increai To 6.500 SALES Engineer. Pea negotiable. No traveling. Heat traniter backgraand. About SIOJOO SALES.

Retail. Must have management background for promotion. Will relocate later. Salary plus commission 7.t00 SALES. Must have degree.

Ho experience necessary. Soma background In accounting. To S7.J00 QUALITY Control Engineer, ee paid S10.SOO SECRETARY. To a a ml young executive. Fea negoti-able.

About 3.200 SECRETARY. 1-glrt office. Salary depends on qualifications. About GENERAL aark. To 3.T44 BILLING and typing (3.SS0 SECRETARY.

No SH. Minimum CLERK TYPIST S40 plug LEGAL SecTetarlea. 3t Win consider anmeono with no legal background, to 4.00 RECEPTIONIST SECRET ARfJ0() GENERAL Otnce. To S4.SS0 MORTGAGE Records Clerk. of lea paid.

To (3730 GENERAL Office, No dlcU-tJon. WU1 go to (4.S00 SECRETARY. Must bavo ear. Mo SH (4.300 TYPIST (3.744 BOOKKEEPER. To S4.SS0 DICTAPHONE TYPIST M.SSO DICTAPHONE Typist.

Ta S4-S00 KEY PUNCH Operator. Experienced. Evening shlfL To HMO OENERAL Ofrjce. Key girl In of flea S4.1M I Helen T. McOUl SALES.

Oraphle Arts. 1 epen-inai 1 for Kalamasoo. 1 for Lansing). Car and all e-penses furnished. Commissions.

Pea paid. Rasa salary to 7.100 LA It Technician. Plasties. Will par fea and relocation es-penaes. Aid to further education Advancement opportunities.

To OOO INSURANCE Adjuster. Training program. Salary in- creases. Liberal car allowance M.000 AStlSTAKT to Chief Engineer. MS or young man working toward degree, la 17.100 DiriPtCTOR Can at ruction.

Must understand construction principles. Will consider trsinee Open SERVICE MAN. Electronics background. To 1M SALES. Pharmaceutical.

Car. all egpensea. Jackan. Rattle Creek aiea. Prestige firm.

7.300 ASSISTANT Manager. Restaurant. Fea negotiaale MJN 0AROO Control Product Development engineer Open SENIOR Product Development Engineer Open ACCOUNTANT. Young grad with 1-3 era. of experience to loin CPA firm to Tucson.

Artsona. Want someone with partnership potential. To M.000 PRODUCTION Supervisor. Plsa-tlca. Fsa patd.

To a.4004- SALES. Pharmaceutical. Car and exenaes. Jackson, Battle Creek. Pea paid T-I00 PRODUCTION Control Manaeer Pea paid.

To 12.000 PRODUCTION Foreman. Super-visa women Open PERSONNEL Director. Bevree not necessary. To d.OOO ACTIVITIES Director. Bocmlo-g.

Psrchotogy. or Social Work Background. To S.000 ENOINEER. Electromechanical and electronic components. and D.

About S10.000 SALES. Heavy mdujtrta! equipment. Optional salary -commission structures. SALES. Soap company.

Car and expenses. Pea paid. To t.MO PRESSURE VESSEL Engineer. Pea paid 111.000 ENOrNEER. Elect ro-mechaalral BSME.

Pea paid. To S13.000 SALES. Chemical. Pea paid. To S10.000 CLERICAL; OENERAL office.

uon gxtoo SECRETARY. One-girl afflce. To M-430 SECRETARY to Director. SH i.100 MEDICAL Secretary. Soma typing.

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Author: Lidia Grady

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.