Publication Information
The Undergraduate Catalog is published annually for informational purposes only and does not constitute a contract. The information is current at the time of publication. Faculty assignments and programs listed are subject to change, and individual departments and units should be consulted for further information. Courses listed in this publication are subject to revision without advance notice. Courses are not necessarily offered each term or each year. Individual departments or units should be consulted for information regarding regularity of course offerings.
Volume 47, May 15, 2024
Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Programs and Effectiveness
University of Illinois Chicago
601 South Morgan Street
Chicago, Illinois 60607
The catalog includes a comprehensive list of Degree Programs and Minors by college. This list is a useful tool for exploring and understanding UIC's undergraduate academic programs and requirements.
The catalog is updated regularly as degree programs, courses, and requirements change. A list of the most recent program and requirement changes is located on the Program Changes and Updates page.
The Undergraduate Catalog is archived in late summer each year and, along with older catalogs, is available in the Archive and Links section.
The Undergraduate Course Descriptions section lists all the undergraduate courses at UIC. However, not all courses are offered during a given semester. Students will find current course offerings in theSchedule of Classes, which is published online before registration begins. The course descriptions are arranged alphabetically by subject area. Each course description includes a rubric (subject area abbreviation), course number, course title, semester hours, prerequisites (if any), and course content.
Nondiscrimination Statement
The commitment of the University of Illinois System to the most fundamental principles of academic freedom, equality of opportunity, and human dignity requires that decisions involving students and employees be based on individual merit and be free from invidious discrimination in all its forms.
The University of Illinois System will not engage in discrimination or harassment against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, order of protection status, genetic information, disability, pregnancy, sexual orientation including gender identity, unfavorable discharge from the military or status as a protected veteran and will comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination, equal opportunity and affirmative action laws, orders and regulations. This nondiscrimination policy applies to admissions, employment, access to and treatment in the programs and activities of the University of Illinois System.
Complaint and grievance procedures provide employees and students with the means for the resolution of complaints that allege a violation of this Statement. Members of the public should direct their inquiries or complaints to the appropriate equal opportunity office.
Revised November 12, 2020
Chancellor’s Statement of Commitment to Persons with Disabilities
Guided by the belief that people with disabilities are assets to the university, UIC is committed to full inclusion and participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of university life. We seek to provide an academic, social, and physical environment that makes disabled people integral to the diversity of perspectives that is vital to an academic community.
UIC supports the principles of universally accessible design, alternative communication formats, and the expression of disability community and pride. At all levels of the university, UIC promotes equal opportunity, fair treatment, and the elimination of barriers for qualified individuals with disabilities.
Office for Access and Equity
UIC is committed to providing and preserving an educational and work environment free from all forms of sex discrimination, sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct (collectively referred to as “sexual misconduct”). UIC prohibits and will not tolerate sexual misconduct of or by students, employees, patients, applicants for enrollment or employment, or others in its education programs or activities.
Please visit theUIC Sexual Misconduct websitefor more informationon the policy statement, the sexual misconduct grievance process, andhow toreport an incident.
To report sexual misconduct to the university or for additional information or assistance with the equal opportunity, affirmative action, and harassment policies and procedures of the University of Illinois Chicago, please contact:
Office for Access and Equity
Title IX Coordinator,
ADA Coordinator,
717 Marshfield Building (MC 602)
809 South Marshfield Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60612-7207
(312) 996-8670
To make a complaint to the U.S. Department of Education, contact:
U.S. Department of Education
Office for Civil Rights - Chicago Office
John C. Kluczynski Federal Building
230 S. Dearborn Street, 37th Floor
Chicago, IL 60604
(312) 730-1560
Public Formal Grievance Procedures University of Illinois Chicago
I. Introduction
These procedures have been implemented to address complaints of discrimination on the basis of age and/or disability in any activity, policy, rule, standard, or method of administration that is related to the operation of university’s programs.
II. Eligibility
These procedures may be used by any member of the public who alleges age (Under the Age Discrimination Act) or disability (Under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act) discrimination on the basis of class. However, anyone who wishes to challenge a decision made about them by an agent of the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) in the course of their employment or enrollment at UIC must utilize the UIC Academic Grievance Procedures.
III. Definitions
A. Grievance: A written statement by a Grievant containing a description of the grounds for the complaint and a specification of the remedy sought.
B. Grievant: Any member of the public who submits a Grievance.
C. Grievance Officer: The assigned investigator of the UIC Office of Access and Equity can be contacted at the address below:
Office for Access and Equity (MC 602)
809 South Marshfield Avenue, Room 718
Chicago, IL 60612-7207
(312) 996-8670 Fax (312) 413-0055
D. Appeals Officer: The Associate Chancellor for Access and Equity or his/her designee.
E. Days: Any reference to "days" herein shall refer to business days (excluding weekends and federal holidays).
F. Record: The complete record of a Grievance will consist of the original Grievance and any supporting information or documentation submitted with that Grievance, the Grievance Officer’s findings, the Appeal (if any) and any additional information or documentation submitted with the Appeal, the Appeal Officer’s findings, and any communications and notices relative to the Grievance. The Record will be maintained for at least five (5) years following the final decision.
IV. Grievance Process
Filing of the Grievance: The Grievant must file his/her Grievance with the Grievance Officer no later than ten (10) days after he/she becomes aware of the offending activity, policy, standard or method of administration.
Investigation: The Grievance Officer shall conduct an appropriate investigation of the issues raised in the Grievance. The Grievant shall be given an opportunity to submit any relevant evidence he/she may have to support the Grievance. Within fourteen days (14) of submission of the Grievance, the Grievance Officer shall issue his/her findings. In the event the Grievance Officer finds evidence of discrimination in the activity, policy, standard or method of administration, he/she shall make recommendations for change(s) and shall coordinate the efforts for change(s) with the department/unit/college whose activity, policy, standard or method of administration is at issue. Furthermore, in the event that the individual was adversely affected by a decision made pursuant to a discriminatory process, policy, activity, standard or method of administration, the individual will be given the opportunity for the decision to be reconsidered according to the revised process, policy, etc. In those cases where the Grievance Officer finds no evidence of discrimination, he/she shall send written notice of that finding to the Grievant within that 14-day time period. Said notice shall inform the Grievant of his/her right to appeal the finding to the Appeals Officer within five (5) days of receipt of the notice.
Appeal: An appeal of the Grievance Officer’s findings must be in writing and must state the basis for the appeal, providing any additional evidence or information that may support the Grievant’s claim of discrimination. The Appeals Officer shall review the Grievance Officer’s record and any information/evidence submitted with the Appeal and shall issue findings within ten (10) days of receipt of the appeal. In the event the Appeals Officer finds evidence of discrimination in the activity, policy, standard or method of administration, he/she shall make recommendations for changes. In those cases where the Appeals Officer finds no evidence of discrimination, he/she shall send written notice of that finding to the Grievant within that 10-day time period. There shall be no further levels of review or appeal beyond the Appeals Officer.
Deviation from the Process: Upon proof of extenuating circ*mstances, the Chancellor and only the Chancellor may approve a deviation from these procedures (e.g., extension of a deadline).
Effective date of policy is September 1, 2005.
UIC'sConsumer Informationsite provides more information on the student complaint process.